Diaper Drive
Benefits the United Way of Franklin & Hampshire Region

Greenfield Savings Bank is proud to support the United Way of Franklin & Hampshire Region’s Diaper Drive, going on now through June!
You can help local families by dropping off new or opened, clean packages at any of our Greenfield Savings Bank Branches!
Or you can stop by the Greenfield or Northampton UWFH offices to drop off donations. You also have the option of purchasing most-needed sizes through the United Way of Franklin & Hampshire Region’s Amazon Wish List or give a monetary donation directly.
The United Way Diaper Bank can turn your $25 cash donation into 120 diapers or pull-ups (about two weeks worth) for children across Franklin and Hampshire Counties and the North Quabbin region. You may write a check out to UWFH with “Diaper Bank” on the memo line. Please send checks to PO Box 123, Northampton, MA 01061.
More info and when to drop off donations:
Email the United Way of Franklin & Hampshire Region: program@uw-fh.org
- Or call 413-584-3962