Bee Fest
Celebrate the Father of American Beekeeping
Come to the 14th Annual Greenfield Bee Fest, Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 9:00 am to 12:15 pm.
Activities for all ages: Create your own flower hat, make air-dried beads, paint a bee poster, join in the Pollinator Parade led by Expandable Brass Band, enjoy the Bee Pinata and the Lorenzo Langstroth Birthday Cake!
The Bee Fest will also feature popular and familiar songs by the New England Woodwind Quartet and a musical performance by students from Twice as Smart. Ask a Bee Expert your questions about Bees. FREE pollinator plants courtesy of Pioneer Gardens, per availability. Children of all ages are invited to come dressed as their favorite pollinator or flower.
The Father of American beekeeping, Lorenzo Langstroth, lived in Greenfield for many years, and wrote a Bee Keeper's Manual as well as The Hive and the Honey-Bee during his time here.